Why does there need to be a group for humanists?
Human beings are social animals, so we often feel the need to get together. This might be for support, or to learn new things, to meet new people, or to work together for a common cause. Most often, we just want to get together for the sake of it, to relax and to have fun with like-minded people.
Local humanist groups exist for anyone who wants to get together in relation to their humanist, atheist or secularist beliefs. The groups undertake a variety of activities that give people the opportunity to:
Meet and socialise with like-minded people;
Campaign on humanist, atheist and secularist issues;
Learn, exchange ideas, and debate issues
Volunteer and engage in other charitable work;
Represent atheist, humanist and secularist views, and provide a balance to the influence of religious groups;
Promote and celebrate scientific and rational thinking;
Promote humanism as a life-stance;
Have fun!
Resources and FAQs for members, supporters, and participants in CLH activities
See here for our knowledge base packed with important, useful information about the group, the organisers, and what we offer the community.
See here for our code of conduct and complaints policy.
How do we work?
Central London Humanists is managed, in accordance with its constitution by an Organising Committee, and consists of officers and other committee members who are elected annually from and by the groups voting members. The current members of the Organising Committee are:
Mark Agathangelou Treasurer
Aseel Events Organiser
Clive Aruede Events Organiser
Rebekah Bunbury Secretary / Book Group Organiser
Steve Clapman Events Organiser
Debra Hinton Events Organiser
James Hodgson Chair
Alavari Jeevathol Events Organiser
Alan Palmer Events Organiser
Katia Urquiza Events Organiser
Association with other organisations
Central London Humanists are an official partner group of Humanists UK
CLH is also an associate of Humanists International